Current Legislation Monitoring
The Council currently monitors legislation regarding Education, Voting, Healthcare, Housing, and Legal issues.
Housing and Community
HB 60: AN ACT relative to the termination of tenancy at the expiration of the tenancy or lease term.
- ✘ NHCDD opposes this bill.
- ✘ NHCDD opposes this bill.
- ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.
- ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.
- ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.
HB 388: AN ACT requiring local school boards to issue reports on special education in their district.
- ✘ NHCDD opposes this bill.
- ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.
- ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.
- ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.
HB 671-FN-A: AN ACT establishing a kindergarten literacy readiness program.
- ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.
HB 753-FN: AN ACT relative to expedited due process hearings to enforce special education rights.
- ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.
- ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.
HB 524-FN: AN ACT repealing the New Hampshire vaccine association.
- ✘ NHCDD opposes this bill.
Voting and Legal
- ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.
- ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.
HB 385-FN: AN ACT reestablishing voter identification exception.
- ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.
- ✘ NHCDD opposes this bill.
HB 521-FN: AN ACT relative to the establishment of an election information portal.
- ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.
HR 6: AN ACT condemning the judicial doctrine of "disparate impact".
- ✘ NHCDD opposes this bill.
- ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.
SB 76: AN ACT relative to the office of the child advocate.
- ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.
SB 151-FN: AN ACT relative to accessible parking permit verification and fraud prevention.
- ✘ NHCDD opposes this bill
- Access the General Court of NH
- How to Read a Bill Status
- NH House and Senate Possible Committee Recommendations
- How to find your State Senator and Representative(s)
- New Hampshire Legislative Makeup Role and Responsibilities
- How to sign in online in support for or in opposition to a House Bill or Senate Bill in New Hampshire
- How to find the New Hampshire House and Senate Calendars and Journals