Current Legislation Monitoring

The Council currently monitors legislation regarding Education, Voting, Healthcare, Housing, and Legal issues.

Housing and Community

HB 60: AN ACT relative to the termination of tenancy at the expiration of the tenancy or lease term.

  • ✘ NHCDD opposes this bill.

HB 80: AN ACT allowing a public body member's presence at a meeting by electronic or other means of communication only if physical presence is unavoidable and providing that physical presence is necessary for voting.

  • ✘ NHCDD opposes this bill.

HB 628-FN: AN ACT prohibiting landlords from discriminating against prospective tenants holding certain vouchers under the housing choice voucher program.

  • ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.

HB 731-FN: AN ACT relative to supportive housing options for individuals with developmental disabilities.

  • ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.

SB 114-FN-A: AN ACT making appropriations to the department of health and human services to support community and transitional housing through community mental health centers.

  • ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.


HB 388: AN ACT requiring local school boards to issue reports on special education in their district.

  • ✘ NHCDD opposes this bill.

HB 398: AN ACT requiring holocaust and genocide studies in public schools to include the impacts on people with disabilities.

  • ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.

HB 646-FN-LOCAL: AN ACT requiring school districts to establish an online application for participation in the free and reduced price meal program.

  • ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.

HB 653-FN: AN ACT establishing a pilot program within the department of education to implement alternatives to restraint and seclusion of students.

  • ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.

HB 671-FN-A: AN ACT establishing a kindergarten literacy readiness program.

  • ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.

HB 753-FN: AN ACT relative to expedited due process hearings to enforce special education rights.

  • ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.

SB 117-FN-A: AN ACT making an appropriation to the department of education to fund the online tutoring program.

  • ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.


HB 524-FN: AN ACT repealing the New Hampshire vaccine association.

  • ✘ NHCDD opposes this bill.

Voting and Legal

HB 67-FN-A: AN ACT relative to agreements with the secretary of state for the use of accessible voting systems.

  • ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.

HB 140-FN: AN ACT establishing a voluntary "blue envelope" program for drivers with autism spectrum disorders.

  • ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.

HB 385-FN: AN ACT reestablishing voter identification exception.

  • ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.

HB 392-FN: AN ACT directing the dissolution of the department of health and human services' office of health equity, department of environmental services' functions for civil rights and environmental justice, and the governor's council on diversity and inclusion.

  • ✘ NHCDD opposes this bill.

HB 521-FN: AN ACT relative to the establishment of an election information portal.

  • ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.

HR 6: AN ACT condemning the judicial doctrine of "disparate impact".

  • ✘ NHCDD opposes this bill.

CACR 5: AN ACT relating to absentee ballots. Providing that no excuse shall be needed by the voter to receive an absentee ballot.

  • ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.

SB 76: AN ACT relative to the office of the child advocate.

  • ✔ NHCDD supports this bill.

SB 151-FN: AN ACT relative to accessible parking permit verification and fraud prevention.

  • ✘ NHCDD opposes this bill