Media and Resources
Resources and Publications related to those in the disability community.
A guidebook for people with disabilities, their families and the professionals that support them.
A collaborative newsletter of the NH Council on Developmental Disabilities, the Disabilities Rights Center of NH, and UNH the Institute on Disability.
Tim Houle, Vice Chair of the NHCDD, and Blake Tyler, Social Media Assistant, chat about what Developmental Disability Awareness Month means and the changes needed to make community life more accessible.
A STABLE Account is an investment account available to eligible individuals with disabilities. STABLE Accounts are made possible by the federal Achieving a Better Life Experience ("ABLE") Act. STABLE Accounts allow individuals with disabilities to save and invest money without losing eligibility for certain public benefits programs, like Medicaid or SSI. Earnings in your STABLE Account are not subject to federal income tax, so long as you spend them on "Qualified Disability Expenses."
STABLE Accounts have some similar features to normal bank accounts, but they are not checking or savings accounts. STABLE Accounts are investment accounts, similar to 529 college savings accounts or 401(k) retirement accounts. When you deposit money into your STABLE Account, your money will be invested in different options that you choose. While you can still withdraw and spend your money whenever you need it, STABLE Accounts also allow you to grow your money and to save long-term for disability expenses.
Explanation of Center for Medicaid Services
Access Rules by Green Mountain Self Advocates
These slides are about services people with disabilities get in the community through the Center for Medicaid Services.
Click here for a plain language explanation of the access rules.
Direct Support Appreciation Week Celebration Toolkit
Promote DSP appreciation within your community! Download our toolkit for ideas on how to coordinate and plan your own town or city's events.
Housing Resources
Sample Letter for Requesting a Reasonable Accommodation/Modification from Your Landlord