Information Access for All
The NHCDD is dedicated to collaborating with NH entities to reduce barriers to accessing information. The NHCDD will use and support language which is culturally and linguistically competent and that is accessible via technology, plain language, e-content and interpreters.
If you would like to contribute to this resource list, please email Vanessa Blais.
Audio and Video Transcript Archive
Ableist Language Awareness with Lydia X Z Brown (2023). Hosted by the DD Partners of NH.
What is Accessibility and How Do I Practice It?
- Overview of Accessible Formats - Presented by Autistic Self Advocacy Network presentation slides
- Rooted In Rights: AccessThat: Digital Accessibility Basics
- National Center on Accessible Educational Materials for Learning
Plain Language
- Plain Language for Self-Advocates - Presented by Autistic Self Advocacy Network presentation slides
- Plain Language for Non-Profits/Government - Presented by Autistic Self Advocacy Network presentation slides
- IOD’s Accessibility Resources
- Plain Language Web Writing Tips - Checklist for Plain Language Web-Writing
- Accessible PDF Techniques
- Tips for Using Plain Language
- NCSC Interactive Plain Language Glossary - Use this new tool to encourage plain language when talking about courts and legal issues. Use the glossary to identify legal terms to use when communicating with the public. Forms, brochures, and other materials that incorporate plain language are provided as examples.
- USCIS Plain Language
- USCIS Plain Language: Put Your Main Message First
- USCIS Plain Language: Bullets
- USCIS Plain Language: Tables
- USCIS Plain Language: Proofreading
- USCIS Plain Language: Active Voice
- USCIS Plain Language: Acronyms
- USCIS Plain Language: Pronouns
- USCIS Plain Language: Zombie Nouns
Easy Read
- Writing Easy Read Content - Presented by Autistic Self Advocacy Network presentation slides
- What is Easy Read?
- Easy Read: Making Information Accessible
- Easy Read Style Manual
- Easy Read Accessibility Toolkit
E-Content/Social Media
- Let’s Get Social! Ensuring that Social Media is Accessible to People with Disabilities
- Media Accessibility for Creators
- Introduction to Web Accessibility
- World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
- Bitley - A URL shortener
- An alt Decision Tree - This decision tree describes how to use the alt attribute of the <img> element in various situations.
- WebAIM: Web Accessibility In Mind - WebAIM Expanding the potential of the web for people with disabilities by empowering individuals and organizations to create accessible content.
- Accessible Social Media Toolkit
- Alt Text As Poetry
- Color Contrast Checker
- Bureau of Internet Accessibility
- Accessible Social
- Free Color Contrast Checker
- Ten Tips for Creating Accessible Content
Disability Language
- Disability Language Style Guide | National Center on Disability and Journalism
- I am Disabled: On Identity-First Versus People-First Language (
- Why is Disability Language Etiquette Important?
- Identity-First Language - Autistic Self Advocacy Network (
- Identity First vs Person First Language for Autism | Jenni Chapman
- Conversations with Ivanova: People First and Identity First Language
- Not Special Needs
- Special Needs vs Disabled? - The “new” term to say instead of Special Needs. Special Needs vs Disabled? The "new" term to say instead of Special Needs (
- Rooted in Rights Access Trainings
- Information Access for All Basic Training with Jules Good from Neighborhood Access
- Plain Language Academies
- GovLoop Academy
- Plain Language Getting Started or Brushing Up
- Little Red Cozette – Four fun, short, easy to follow plain language training modules
- Apps for Diverse Learners
ASL Interpreter Services
- Northeast Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Pine Tree Society - Sign Language Interpreting
Get to Know These Organizations
Image Libraries
- Photo Symbols
- Affect the Verb
- Getty Images, The Disability Collection
- The Noun Project, Icons, Disability